Elevate your roofing skills and advance your roof design expertise at our regional, interactive roofing workshops. Join engaging workshops led by industry experts and earn up to 8 AIA HSW LUs.
Attendance is limited to facilitate small teams and optimize the learning experience. It also means you'll have the opportunity to engage in multiple design charrettes, collaborate with peers, and get personalized feedback from our experts.
Don't miss out on this chance to advance your professional development and elevate your skills.
“The level of information provided has been very good. Subjects that were covered included code changes and current code requirements.”
– Jared Lawrence, Sr. Architect, Terracon
“What was unique about this workshop was the round table discussions.”
– Rick Bresso, Vice President, NTH Consultants, Ltd.
“Among the information I received today, I know that the wind uplift calculations presented and the introduction of new terminology will be very useful.”
– Matt Gateman, Sr. Project Manager, Building Project Associates